Pony Experience Time (“PET”)

Pony Experience Time (“PET”)

Ever wanted to let your child have a horse/pony experience before committing to lessons?

Want a fun, short, cost effective way to give your child a taste of being around a horse/pony?

Then this programme could be for you!

The Pony Experience Time (“PET”) is designed for children of all ages – recommended age 2-10 years.  It will give the child a small time with a pony and will include:

  • An introduction to the pony including a groom.
  • A 10 minute ride.

Cost: $30 per rider.


The PET are on set days and times to ensure the riders are kept safe.  These days/times are:

Saturdays from 1.00-2.00pm

** We can do these during the weekdays with some notice – please email for availability.

Bookings are essential.

Riders are to wear long pants and a covered in shoe such as a sneaker.  Any adults that are walking alongside or with the ride are to also wear covered in shoes – you cannot walk next to the ponies in jandals or sandals.

Would you like to know more?  Fill in the form below and we will get back to you.